Thursday, September 16, 2010

Google Search

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I do searches on my name every once in a while just to see what pops up. Lately the first page is almost all facebook stuff, or people with the last name of Kreiner, but it generally changes. Hopefully this blog will be number one on the search soon (now its not on there at all... :( ). But one thing that always pops up is a link to an old Elfwood account I had when I was 13. Elfwood is a website for strictly sci-fi and fantasy art.

Ooooh yes... I can't even begin to remember the login information, and the million times I have emailed them, asking for my account to be deleted, I get no reply whatsoever--not even an automated one! So I give up. Every time you google my name you will see my silly middle-school, anime-fanatic, sci-fi artwork with silly made-up names and stories to go along with them. And if you see any Japanese, I have no idea what it says now, and probably didn't then either.

Untitled & unposted piece that I found in my dresser:

Hey, this hair looks oddly familiar... HEHE! :)

Enjoy the hilarity...!

As my mom keeps reminding me, it's not that they are BAD, just that they are different from my current art interests. I hate them, but I suppose that's just part of being an artist, and that I need to try not to be so hard on myself after all.

Lesson to be learnt here: Don't post crap on the internet that you don't want people to still be finding a decade later.

1 comment:

  1. Life is a journey,Britney. Don't spend a lot of time looking back except to see how you've grown through that journey and the lessons that can be passed on as you just did. :) You are a mighty talented girl and I know we will enjoy your art way beyond the "crap" that you left behind in the dust. Your mom is correct, though - even the pictures you no longer like were really well done.

    Love ya lots,
    G'ma :)
